Please do not upload content in violation of the property or rights of others.

By uploading a file or other content or making a comment, you represent and warrant that you are not violating or infringing upon the rights of any person.

You can upload up to 60 posts per hour.

We support many type of files. You can upload:
  1. images of type:
    • jpeg
    • png
    • svg
    • tiff
    • tif
    • bmp
    • xcf
    • webp
  2. gifs of type:
    • gif
    • apng
  3. short videos of type:
    • mp4
    • mov
    • avi
    • webm
    • mpeg
    • flv
    • mkv
    • mpv
    • wmv

You can upload images, gifs and short videos.

simgool accepts

  • images with a maximal size of 20 MB
  • gifs with a maximal size of 20 MB
  • videos with a maximal size of 20 MB

You can uploads images, gifs and short videos.

To create a post, click on post on the top of the page

Then select some tags, add a title, select files you would like to upload.

For each file, you can add a description by clicking on the pencil on right

You can use the diamond on the left to change the order of the images.

If you want to add content to your files, click on the 3 dots at the bottom right. Finally, click on "upload".

Your uploads can be public, hidden or private

  1. Public

    Everyone can see the public uploads, whether they are logged in or not.

    However, only users who are logged in can interact with them, such as liking.

  2. Hidden

    Only users having the link can see hidden uploads

  3. Private

    Only users with the link and the password can see private uploads

You can hide your upload by clicking on the 3 dots on the left of the upload button,

then check the box on the bottom left.

You can unhide your upload from the dasbord by unchecking the box.

To make a post private, we recommend that you hide it during upload, then go to the dashboard and set a password for it.

simgool may delete or remove public posts that violate our Terms of Use or Community Rules

To request the removal of a post, please submit the URL to our removal request form

Deleting a post you uploaded

To delete a post you uploaded, go to your dashboard, under the list of your posts, select "Delete" under "Actions".

Deleted contents will be removed from the system

If you delete posts, both hidden and private, they will never be accessible again.

You can edit you uploads from the dashbord

It is not possible to edit posted images. When you update your post, you can change the title and the content of your post.

Images and categories cannot be changed.

If you leave the categories unselected when you post, the default category will be "other".

In order to keep this category simple and to give users a better user experience, our administrators will search for and assign the category that best fits your content.

If you see posts or comments that violate our rules of conduct, please report them by sending us a message that will allow us to identify the content.

Content in these categories is undesirable

  1. Copyrighted
  2. Discrimination
  3. Harassment
  4. Personal information
  5. Harmfull
  6. Sexual explicit material
  7. Violent

Our Community set the rules.

If you are following a user, you will receive a notification when that person uploads content.

To create an account, please go to the sign up page

Only your name, a unique username and the email address are required.